Program speakers


Rachel Etherington

Investment Advisor

Rachel has over a 15 years’ experience in sustainable/ESG investing, family office advisory and leadership roles, with a particular focus on the economics and investment dynamics of climate change, biodiversity and ecosystems. She has an entrepreneurial background and a global perspective having worked in the US, UK and Australia, as well as Belize and Cambodia. Rachel joined Crestone in 2019 with a mission to drive the sustainable investment agenda more broadly, having been working with a large impact investment-orientated Australian family. She prides herself on the trusted and enduring relationships that she creates with her clients—from individuals to family offices and not-for-profits, helping them navigate the rapidly-evolving and often complex area of sustainable investment with her characteristic energy, dedication and knowledge. She is a former Board Member of Future Super, Climate Friendly and the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. She currently sits on the Board of the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (an ethical investment and research organisation), is an active mentor of emerging female leadership, and is involved in various climate-change and diversity initiatives. Her views on the intersection of climate change and investment have been published in The Australian Financial Review and she continues to speak widely on these issues at conferences, on podcasts and in interviews. She is a Responsible Investment Association Australasia accredited adviser.