Ted Jackson

University Professor, Management Consultant and Editor

Dr. Edward (Ted) Jackson is a university professor, management consultant and editor specialising in evaluation and field-building in impact investing, blended finance and gender lens investing, and in community-campus partnerships for sustainable social infrastructure.

A former tenured public policy professor and associate dean in the Faculty of Public Affairs at Carleton University, Ted currently serves as senior research fellow at the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, honorary associate with the Institute of Development Studies, and president of E. T. Jackson and Associates Ltd.

Dr. Jackson has advised the Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund and Investing in Women, both DFAT initiatives, the Canadian, Danish and UK development programs, and the Mastercard and Rockefeller foundations, as well as the Caribbean Development Bank, International Development Research Centre, OECD and World Bank.  He is the co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment on growing gender lens investing in emerging markets.

Originally trained in adult education and community development, he earned certification as a responsible investment professional from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment Academy and the Responsible Investment Association of Canada.