Tom Hall

With over 18 years’ experience working with and advising private clients, Tom leads our Global Philanthropy services & Social Impact teams to help clients to maximize their impact from giving through investing. Tom has personally advised over 2,000 clients and their families during his time at UBS and is passionate about finding ways to catalyze solutions to the pressing social and environmental problems the world is facing.

Prior to joining UBS in 2013, Tom spent his career in the non-profit sector. As Director of Philanthropy and Social Investment at the Disability Charity Scope, he pioneered the use of social investment structures, including the Scope Bond which was the first listed bond issued by an operational charity in the UK. Earlier in his career, as its first full time employee Tom help scale up the Microloan Foundation, securing the investment for the charity to expand into sustainable microfinance in Malawi for over 50,000 female entrepreneurs.

Tom, is a father of four children, a keen runner and has a Politics degree from Exeter University as well as professional qualifications in Green & Sustainable Finance (Chartered Banker), marketing (CIM), fundraising management and financial planning (CIIR)