Sara Parrott
Sara has over twenty-five years’ experience in social and environmental impact, stakeholder relations, and communication. Sara is passionate about social justice and a transition to a sustainable future.
Sara is Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Benevolence, an independent charity and philanthropic foundation established by the Freemasons of Queensland with a history of helping the community for more than 110 years.
Previously, Sara has worked for the ASX listed Suncorp Group, resources giant Xstrata, global investment firm Babcock & Brown and accounting firm Ernst & Young, leading sustainability policy, social impact management, stakeholder engagement and community investment at regional, national and global levels.
Sara has also held a number of Board and management roles in the community sector focusing on advocacy, communications, and marketing including with Australia’s largest social enterprise and childcare provider Goodstart Early Learning, as well as international development agency Tearfund Australia.
Sara is Deputy Chair of the Queensland Children’s Hospital Foundation and a Board Member of Climate KIC Australia. She holds Bachelor of Business-Management and a Master of Business-Marketing from QUT, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.