Luke Bo’sher
Head of Program Strategy – Housing Australia
Luke Bo’sher is the Head of Program Strategy at Housing Australia. Luke leads Housing Australia’s strategy for growing social and affordable housing, including the investment approach and funding design, and partnerships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector and other government agencies to grow housing.
Luke was previously a senior executive in the Victorian Government’s housing agency (Homes Victoria) leading housing policy, the design and implementation of Victoria’s $5 billion Big Housing Build initiatives and the growth of affordable housing in Victoria. Prior to Homes Victoria Luke was involved in the design and ongoing reform of the NDIS as the CEO of the Summer Foundation and a Director at the National Disability Insurance Agency, including on the design and sector response to growing Specialist Disability Accommodation funded by the NDIS.
In 2016 Luke completed a Fulbright Scholarship at New York University’s Centre for Urban Policy focusing on affordable housing and social finance, where he also earned a Master of Public Administration.