Join the Movement for Global Impact

Partner with usin our shared and pressing priority

Help grow the impact ecosystem.

Shift capital.

Transform the economy.

For the good of people and planet.

Calls for concerted collaboration – and action

To leverage your leadership. Drive competitive advantage.
Lift reputation, market momentum, and brand profile.

Move to the forefront of the movement – as a collective force for good.

Join us to lead the way at our sixth thought-leading Summit for the fast-growing impact investment community.

Choose what works best – for your team, business and brand.

Multiple options on offer in our a la carte menu of 20+ customised partner packages aligned to your goals and budget.


at the Summit of Wisdom, Courage and Action

Our sixth Summit of success that once again, with our Partners, brings the impact community thought-leading investing insights, opportunities and case studies from the best of the best – visionary international and domestic thought leaders and industry experts. Engaging people with intent on a transforming journey of discovery, learning and action.

At this crucial tipping point of our time – with global threats to financial, societal and environmental wellbeing – we combine with Partners to pursue a firm belief in the collective intent of people. In the power of impact capital as a transforming force for good. Ultimately, to safeguard the well-being of people and protection of our planet..

Together with intent

Bring about a more just, equitable and sustainable world. Combine to mobilise community and shift capital for social and environmental good with these pressing Summit imperatives:

  1. Provide the platform for impactful change and source of high value information for the impact community in the A/P region.
  2. Confront future societal challenges and threats: health, climate, renewables, environment, gender, poverty, indigenous
  3. Engage people on an impact journey from where they are on a spectrum of transformation and intention.
  4. Inspire interest, initiative, innovation and investment to drive measurable, meaningful impact and sustainability – beyond ethical or responsible investing.

Why Partner?

  1. Leverage a range of deliverables in line with your business imperatives and needs
  2. Capitalise on the peak thought-leading forum positioned to lead the way in this growing investment movement across the Region
  3. Gain profile and be seen as active agent of change and influence
  4. Promote your brand and message for optimum audience engagement and response
  5. Connect and network with the global thought and market leaders in this fastgrowing global community
  6. Position your team and organisation at the forefront of the impact investing sector
  7. Provide your people with powerful and motivating focus for business development and growth
  8. Generate targeted ROI in line with your objectives.


As we begin to see more institutions in Australia and globally focus their investment strategies on capital growth as well as  sustainable impact opportunities – impact investing will move beyond responsible investing and minimising harm, to become the mainstream discourse and practice. This is the opportunity to show leadership and harness increasing capital opportunities in the impact investing sphere of influence.

Contact us for Partner Prospectus and Opportunities