Name of fund/investment opportunity
Unlock the potential of impact enterprises worldwide to achieve the SDGs with LendForGood
The offer/deal available:
LendForGood is seeking $2m from investors who share our ambition of mobilising $1b of impact lending per year. This is a unique opportunity to provide catalytic finance to build a new capital market and unlock the potential of 1000s of impact enterprises around the world.
Key reasons investors would find it attractive to invest with you
LendForGood is an award-winning enterprise with an experienced, committed team and a strong network of early supporters and investors. We have deployed AU$2m in 28 impact loans, enabling 18 enterprises to realise their potential and contribute to achieving the SDGs. The state of the world demands we grow and scale as fast as we can to mobilise more impact capital to impact enterprises.
Summary of specific investment and benefits
LendForGood is raising AU$2m to achieve the growth and scale needed to address the missing middle in impact finance and fuel the success of more impact enterprises around the world. Mission-led investors seeking an opportunity to catalyse new markets and achieve leverage on their capital have the opportunity to see their investment in us mobilise $1b in impact lending and unlock the potential of 1000s of impact enterprises.
The investment can be philanthropy, equity or a mix of both. We offer up to 25% of equity in LendForGood for the full $2m. There are also opportunities for participation in governance and strategy.