Senthan Balachandiran

Director – The Orange Movement, Impact Investment Exchange

As Program Director of the Orange Movement, Senthan leads a cross-functional program at Impact Investment Change dedicated to creating a world where gender equality is the norm, paving the way for a sustainable future that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

The objectives of the Orange Movement center on scaling investments in alignment with the Orange Bond Principles, which represent a cross-cutting asset class intersecting with gender and various Sustainable Development Goals related to climate action, well-being, prosperity, and peace. Simultaneously, the movement is dedicated to enriching the ecosystem by enhancing capabilities, addressing research gaps, promoting data-informed action and transparency, and enhancing governance related to Gender Lens Investing.

Senthan is deeply committed to advancing gender equality for women, girls, and the LGBTQI+ community through innovative financial products and aspires to elevate the Orange Movement as a global catalyst in achieving these goals.

 A graduate of Commerce & Business Systems from Monash University, Senthan holds an advanced diploma in Accounting from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand. Additionally, he obtained a master’s in Sustainable Development from the University of Sussex (UK).