2025 program outline

Day 1


Breakfast + Opening + Keynote Speaker + Keynote Panel

Stream 1


Keynote impact investing for Advisers, Foundations & Family Offices

Due diligence panel

Major investors panel

Deals Panel

Stream 2


Climate Keynote (Accelerating Decarb)

Expert Panel

Dealmaker panel

Major investors panel

Pitch 1 Companies

Pitch 2 Funds

Stream 3


Communities Keynote (Social infrastructure & Inclusion)

Dealmaker panel

Major investors panel

Expert panel

Pitch 1 Funds

Pitch 2 Companies

Stream 4


Keynote impact investing for Advisers, Foundations & Family Offices

Major investors panel

Expert panel

Dealmaker panel

Pitch 1 Companies

Pitch 2 Funds


Final Keynote and day 1 wrap up

Impact Awards Dinner

Day 2


Breakfast + Opening + Keynote Speaker + Keynote Panel

Stream 1


Keynote Impact Investing for Institutions

Due diligence panel

Major investors panel

Deals Panel

Stream 2


Climate Tech Keynote

Expert Panel

Dealmaker panel

Major investors panel

Pitch 1 Companies

Pitch 2 Funds

Stream 3


EdTech Keynote

Dealmaker panel

Major investors panel

Expert panel

Pitch 1 Funds

Pitch 2 Companies

Stream 4


MedTech Keynote

Major investors panel

Expert panel

Dealmaker panel

Pitch 1 Companies

Pitch 2 Funds


Final Keynote and day 2 wrap up

Networking Drinks

A word from our 2024 Summit Program Partners, Impact Outfit

We have been deep in developing the content plan for the Impact Investment Summit 2024 where we will delve into the powerful themes of Inclusion, Systems Change, Climate, Community, The Arts and more. 

Our journey will begin by spotlighting community and social impact, with a particular focus on vital areas such as Housing, Inclusion and Education. In a world where disparities persist, we’ll hear from visionaries who are reshaping the landscape of accessible and inclusive living and learning environments. We will engage with thought leaders driving the transition to a more sustainable and resilient future. The sustainability dialogue will extend to nature, agriculture, and waste. 

In the spirit of true inclusivity, the 2024 Summit will emphasise the value of representation and collaboration. The community clusters, comprising Advisors, Foundations, Institutional Investors, and Family Offices, will converge to forge connections that transcend boundaries and inform the Summit thematics. 

With excitement and anticipation, we invite you to join us at the Impact Investment Summit as we embark on a transformative journey. Together, we have the potential to be catalysts for meaningful change across systems, communities, and our shared planet.

With deep gratitude for the advice and support of our wonderful Advisory Board.

Showcasing Bold Pathways for Meaningful Change at the Impact Investment Summit